I found my heart heavy this morning, while driving into work, with thoughts of close friends and family, many who have been suffering. I realized, as I brought these struggles to mind and as my heart ached, that often I don’t have words for my Maker; somehow, words are insufficient. Not only insufficient, though, unnecessary. Unnecessary.
I was reminded of a verse from the bible, which I have come back to time and time again: “….. The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.’ Romans 8:26. If you’re reading this, I don’t know what you believe, or if you contemplate faith at all, but if something in you recognizes that there is a God, an Intelligent designer, a Creator, a higher being of Love, then you probably also recognize that He/She is of the Spirit realm. I know what I believe, and how I think of the Spirit, but regardless there is comfort to be had with this in mind.
The Spirit intercedes for us, and actually ‘groans’ on our behalf. Could our pain be felt that deeply and sincerely by the Spirit of God? Could it be true? The word ‘groan’ (stenazo) is only used six times in the New Testament, and every time it’s associated with liberation from suffering. A cry out for restoration; for peace. And the Spirit of God does this on our behalf, when we have no words?! Amazing. God is THAT close to our hearts, particularly when suffering, that all we have to do is feel the pain, embrace the pain, and He is already out to heal. Much like a friend who is willing to weep with you, or fight for you in times of injustice, the Spirit ‘has our back.’ In a way, it’s like he’s saying, “I know kid, this world sucks sometimes! And I hurt for you, because I know it’s unfair and cruel. You’re not alone. My heart breaks as well. I weep with you my child’ Even more though, I have learned from my own experiences, that knowing and believing this, in a time of need, brings comfort and freedom. If you had Hercules as a 24 -hour, body guard and protector, would you carry 3 tons of weight on your back? No. In fact, the reality is, you can’t. You would let him handle it. He’s more capable. And as for the Spirit, not only is he more capable, he is surely more 'all knowing' and 'all seeing.' We are free to still seek the goodness in life, and strive for the beauty in the world, because he’s got our back. We are free to focus on what really matters; trusting that all will be well, no matter what curve ball comes our way. We can have peace, a midst chaos; a flame in a room too dark.
So to my friends and family hurting at this time, take peace in these words: You are loved. You have immeasurable value. You are being heard, even when words are impossible. AND, the Spirit of God has never been closer.
One of my favorite songs:
Why It Matters
By Sara Grovecs
Sit with me and tell me once again
Of the story that's been told us
Of the power that will hold us
Of the beauty, of the beauty
Why it matters
Speak to me until I understand
Why our thinking and creating
Why our efforts of narrating
About the beauty, of the beauty
And why it matters
Like the statue in the park
Of this war torn town
And it's protest of the darkness
And the chaos all around
With its beauty, how it matters
How it matters
Show me the love that never fails
The compassion and attention
Midst confusion and dissention
Like small ramparts for the soul
How it matters
Like a single cup of water
How it matters
My Grandma. She was pretty sick here, but she still took us out to this beautiful park. I always thought she was staring into heaven here. Her body was failing her, yet she was still in awe of the beauty. |