
Monday, July 20, 2015

Dear Insecurity: an Inner call-out

I see you over there
Trying to blend in
Whispering your lies
Rolling your eyes
AS IF you even belong here
May I ask..
Who actually invited you?

You have something to say?
Well, of course you do.
I'm sure you have...

An opinion for every detail
Two cents on every thought 
A doom with every gloom
A sour taste to linger on

I know you.
Yep, still talking to you.
You're so predictable 
Captain Obvious
Queen Cliché
So much so, 
That just maybe 
It's time to look at you.

Because YOU
Ms. Cynical 
For all your talk,
and all your street-cred,
And your EVER-punctual ways,
You, my dear,
Let's be very clear
Have never 
a c t u a l l y 
the likes of 
the depths of
the extent of
Nor even
That is called:


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